Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Eureka! Warehouse 13 are back!!!
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[ # ] Eureka! Warehouse 13 are back!!!
July 11th, 2011 under Syfy

Eureka is back on Syfy tonight at 8p and they are starting off the second part of the fourth season with a bang. As in Fargo and Zane accidentally launch a capsule into space with them in it and now they are about to collide with the International Space Station. Will Jack and Allison be able to stop them before they crash in space or is this the last time we will see the two of on the show? Tune in to find out on a show that gets smarter with each episode!
Oh and did I mention there is a wedding? Can you compute who is getting married?
After Eureka, Warehouse 13 is back on Syfy at 9p and we find out if Myka will be back too. Well let’s just say there is a new member on the team and he will find himself in trouble during his first assignment. Will he make it to his second one or will Pete be going through partners all season long? Tune in to find out on a show that makes me wish I had their job even though it could kill me! You know because they have some really cool artifacts to play with it like on tonight’s episode where they play with an important part of music history.
Oh and make sure to watch the episode all the way through because someone who we thought was gone forever is back!!!
BTW if you have never seen either show, tonight is a good day start to watching them because they put the cool on hot summer Monday night!


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