Seriously? OMG! WTF? » The Apocalypse is actually coming on June 21st!!!
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[ # ] The Apocalypse is actually coming on June 21st!!!
May 21st, 2011 under Weird Al Yankovic

I know that Harold Camping is saying that today is the Rapture, but he is wrong. The Apocalypse is actually coming exactly a month from today, well actually that is the title of Weird Al Yankovic’s latest album that is due out on June 21st. As the schlock rock singer reminded us today on his Twitter when he Tweeted, “On the slight off chance that the apocalypse DOESN’T happen today, be forewarned – the #ALPOCALYPSE is still on for June 21!” So if he you weren’t raptured today, make sure to buy the CD that includes his take on Lady Gaga’s Born This Way called Perform This Way next month.


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