Seriously? OMG! WTF? » We need to help Breaking In break into a 2nd season!!!
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[ # ] We need to help Breaking In break into a 2nd season!!!
May 17th, 2011 under Fox

OK Geeks, there is nothing more we can do for Chuck. So let’s get behind a show that desperately needs our help to get back on the air. Please tune in to Breaking In tonight on Fox at 9:30p and if we get as many nerds that attend Comic Con every year to watch the show, then the cast will be there to preview their second season in San Diego. I don’t know if they really will be there, but show creator and fellow geek Adam F Goldberg will be there. This show unlike other shows about Geeks is written by them. They understand you, and you understand the show. So let’s show them that you are the cool kids and give Breaking In with Christian Slater, Bret Harrison, Michael Rosenbaum Odette Annabell and Alphonso McAuley a much deserved second season.
And more importantly let’s show Christian Slater what it is like to have a show get renewed!!!
So listen you Star Trek loving, Star Wars quoting, action figure and comic book collecting and Truffle Shuffle dancing Geeks, let’s save Breaking In!!!!


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