Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Donald Trump says “You’re fired” to a Presidental run
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[ # ] Donald Trump says “You’re fired” to a Presidental run
May 16th, 2011 under Donald Trump

Yesterday NBC said that Celebrity Apprentice will be back for another season next year. They then added that if Donald Trump decided to run for President, they would bring the show back with someone else in the boardroom.
Well I guess that announcement meant a lot to The Donald because he announced during NBC’s Upfronts that he will not be running for President and continuing on with The Apprentice.
As an Entertainment Blogger I am really bummed about his decision. He would’ve been the only candidate, I actually knew anything about. C’mon tell me I am not the only let down about him not running?
Now back to the NBC reality show, I am Team Marlee! I really hope she wins on Saturday because she deserves it for raising $1 million for the Starkey Hearing Foundation.


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