Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Today’s new word: Lanced
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[ # ] Today’s new word: Lanced
November 7th, 2006 under Uncategorized

Doogie Howser wasn’t outed, he was "lanced." Reichen Lehmkuhl tells AP Radio News that a new term has been coined since his boyfriend Lance Bass came out of the closet. He says they’re now calling what happened to Neil Patrick Harris "a lancing." He says "to be lanced is to be outed by someone in the public media." Lehmkuhl says outing is wrong, and says no one should have to come out of the closet until they’re ready. Hewas cagey when asked if he was surprised to hear Harris is gay. He paused for a moment and then said he wasn’t going to comment on that.

Access Hollywood 

And today Perez Hilton is trying to Lance Jodie Foster…all in the name of gay rights.


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