Seriously? OMG! WTF? » ABC rumored to cancel All My Children and One Life to Live?
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[ # ] ABC rumored to cancel All My Children and One Life to Live?
April 2nd, 2011 under TV Soaps

Over a year ago ABC moved All My Children to LA and One Life to Live in to AMC’s old NY studio to cut costs. Then there were rumors that ABC was considering cancelling OLTL if the ratings didn’t improve shortly afterwards. And then a few weeks ago there was rumor that they were going to cancel AMC to make room for a talk show. Well now TV Guide is reporting that both soaps are on the chopping and could possibly replace both with a talk show and a reality one. When they asked ABC Daytime PR chief Jori Petersen about the rumor she said, “I have no announcement, and these are just rumors that you are hearing. I am sorry to hear that they’re escalating but I cannot confirm anything.”
I really hope ABC doesn’t cancel either soap because they are becoming a dying breed and we need to keep them alive. And if OLTL were to bite it, that would mean there would be no more soaps taped in NY. A few years ago there 4 (AMC, OLTL, Guiding Light and As The World Turns) and come this fall there might be none.
But it isn’t only that, it means that it will put a lot of people out of work. Plus daytime dramas are great learning ground for actors because there is no better training for learning your lines than working on a soap.


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