Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Blue Bloods will hold you hostage tonight!
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[ # ] Blue Bloods will hold you hostage tonight!
April 1st, 2011 under CBS

Tonight on CBS at 10p Blue Bloods will keep you captive for the full hour and then some.
Danny (Donnie Wahlberg) witnesses a shooting and the murder was committed by a big drug lord who goes after anyone who tries to testify against him. Because he wants justice so badly, it becomes known that the cops are out to get him. During a press conference Danny’s name accidentally becomes known and now his family his danger. His wife is kidnapped by the drug lord’s associates and will only be released if Danny doesn’t testify. Will Danny be able to find her before it’s too late. Will he be able to lock up the drug lord permanently? Which one of the good guys is involved with the bad guy?
Tune into CBS at 10p to find out the answers to all of those questions in an captivating episode that will keep you on the edge of your seat from beginning to end. And if Donnie Wahlberg doesn’t get an Emmy nomination for all the great work he has done this season, there is seriously something wrong with the voters. Tonight his performance will leave you in awe, not only can this New Kid on the Block sing…he also has the acting chops!


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