Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Things get cooking on America’s Next Great Restaurant
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[ # ] Things get cooking on America’s Next Great Restaurant
March 20th, 2011 under NBC

Tonight at 8p on America’s Next Great Restaurant the contestants work the lunchtime crowd at a Chipolte restaurant and the judges and us get to see if they can handle the heat of the kitchen. Let’s just say it doesn’t go well. But that is not their only challenge, they also have the option a picking a new name for their future endeavor and also they are asked to be a slogan for their brand. That challenge proves to be tougher than working at Chipolte. And still it is not over, they also have the option to dump their chefs and some of the will fire them like they do to a stove.
Tonight’s episode is hot hot hot and you are not going to want to miss that… And you are not going to want miss Celebrity Apprentice after ANGR when Gary Busey is the project manager for the men’s team. OMFG!!!


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