Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Not such a family friendly answer for Family Feud!
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[ # ] Not such a family friendly answer for Family Feud!
March 8th, 2011 under Steve Harvey

The Steve Harvey version of Family Feud is not the same one your parents knew and it is not his fault. The host has been stuck with questions that lead to answers that aren’t very family friendly. The latest question that led to an answer that will leave you shaking is, “Name something for which a woman might have a special hiding place for?” Well she answered what my sick perverted mind was thinking…”Sex Toys” and with that she won that round! Granted the Standards and Practices substituted adult with sex, but we all got the idea!
BTW now that I think about, I bummed she didn’t say her large d!ldo or v!brator…


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