Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Conan O’Brien apologizes for ripping Jimmy Kimmel off!!
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[ # ] Conan O’Brien apologizes for ripping Jimmy Kimmel off!!
December 23rd, 2010 under Jimmy Kimmel

Last night Conan O’Brien ran a bit where he had Sarah Palin killed Rudolph on his show. Only problem is that Jimmy Kimmel Live did it on their show two weeks ago. The red headed host didn’t want to be considered like the man who took his job, so he took to the net to apologize to Kimmel for the Snafu.
You guys know I love Kimmel, but I think that the skits were not exactly alike and he didn’t need an apology. I can’t tell you how many times I have seen Kimmel and Craig Ferguson do the same jokes because it is the news of the day. It just happens that way. After you watch those two videos, do you think he needed to say “I’m sorry”?
BTW this wasn’t the first time that Jimmy Kimmel Live had one of their original skits (yeah I am contradicting myself) ripped off. Earlier this season Dancing with the Stars basically copied a hysterical skit that Gary Greenberg wrote a year and a half earlier for the injured members of the cast (no pun intended) to have a lawyer to get them the money they so richly deserved. You know instead of an ambulance chaser, it was a DWTS injury chaser. Sounds funny no? It was on JKL, but not on DWTS because they don’t have his writing skills!


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