Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Jimmy Kimmel gets kicked in the balls by a little girl!!!
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[ # ] Jimmy Kimmel gets kicked in the balls by a little girl!!!
October 14th, 2010 under Jimmy Kimmel

Yesterday on Jimmy Kimmel Live Gabby Sidibe was on the show with a Precious little girl who is part of the Make a Dream foundation. Her dream was to kick a celebrity in the nuts and the late night talk show host was her star of choice!!! Even though he didn’t want to make a dying girl’s dream come true, The Big C actress sneaked up behind him and positioned him so that little girl’s dream could become a reality!!! Is it wrong for me to be jealous of that little girl because she got to kick him in the balls? Maybe the next time I go to a show’s taping I can have my dream come true too!!! Let’s make this happen, please. I want to kick Jimmy Kimmel in the pork and beans, it is my dream. Actually just like a punter, I like to kick balls and don’t care who they belong to.
BTW Jimmy Kimmel seems to still be bitter over it because here is what he Tweeted, “Dear Gabourey Sidibe, it isn’t right to kick people (me) in the nuts.”


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