Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Just another reason to love Johnny Depp!
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[ # ] Just another reason to love Johnny Depp!
October 7th, 2010 under Johnny Depp

As if we needed any more reason to love Johnny Depp, well here is another one. Johnny Depp is filming Pirates of the Caribbean 4 in Greenwich, and he took time out his busy schedule to personally answer a 9 year old’s girl’s letter to him. Well according to Heat Magazine the letter was not written to him exactly but to Jack Sparrow asking him to help her organize a mutiny against the teachers.
A school office employee dropped the letter off with the film crew, but the letter was ignored at first. Somehow the letter reached Johnny’s hands and he went to her school with 4 of his pirates. Here is how the letter’s little author described what happened next, “Johnny Depp walked in dressed as Captain Jack,” explained wee Beatrice, “there were gasps and screams. He pulled my letter out of his pocket and said he was going to frame it. Then he called me down and gave me a hug.” Depp then spent another 15 minutes or so jigging about the school stage with his piratey pals for the school kids, “he said the pirates were going to take over the school and only eat candy and our teeth would turn black and fall out,” added Beatrice, “but he said we shouldn’t mutiny against the teachers because there were police outside and we might get in trouble.” Lucky kids!
Whoever says letter writing has jumped the plank, needs to read this story. So find some paper and a pen and send someone very special to you a letter because you never know who or what will come of it!!!


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