Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Hopefully this really did kill off Spencer Pratt
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[ # ] Hopefully this really did kill off Spencer Pratt
September 21st, 2010 under VH1/MTV

Someone please explain to me why if The Hills is over are the people who were on it still making news? Like Audrina Patridge aka ceiling eyes on Dancing with the Stars? Are Spence Pratt and his wife Heidi Montag still divorcing? I never watched the fake MTV reality show, but for some reason most of the places I read online are still infatuated with them. I try my hardest to avoid them and not post anything about them, but this idiotic video that the furry blonde frizzball posted was so horrible I had to make the exception. I mean it is almost as bad as Heidi’s audition for Transformers 3.
BTW Spencer Pratt, you got my hopes up when you ended the video of you losing your beard and life(?) with the words “In Memorium” only problem it is spelled “In Memoriam”. The misspelling makes think you are not really dead.
So now that he most likely Tweeted his demise, let’s hope it sticks because if I never ever hear about anyone from The Hills again it will be too soon.


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