Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Someone is very excited to meet Sarah Palin
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[ # ] Someone is very excited to meet Sarah Palin
July 6th, 2010 under Politics

via Gawker
Don’t you hate when you wait all day to meet the woman who ran for Vice President in 2008 and all you want to do is tell her happy you are with her book and enjoy reading it alone in the bathroom. Then when just as you get up to meet her to tell her how excited you are about it, your little buddy decides to salute her. Well that is what happened to that poor guy when he went to meet Sarah Palin. You know when he got up there on the stage and was looking up to the skies, he was thinking dead puppies, kissing his mom, meeting John McCain, anything to get that erection down. What was also priceless was her face when she looked down and saw he was up. She is like, “I am happy to see you…”
I don’t know what his co-workers and buddies will make more fun of him about…the fact that he went to meet Sarah Palin or that he had a boner when he finally did. I think the first because that is pretty embarrassing.


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