Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Craig Ferguson’s interview with James Dyson has the proper amount of suction!
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[ # ] Craig Ferguson’s interview with James Dyson has the proper amount of suction!
June 25th, 2010 under Craig Ferguson

After months of Craig Ferguson talking about the Dyson vacuum cleaner that has the proper amount of suction, he finally had James Dyson on his CBS Late Late Show. Craig had a real ball talking to the man who he admires and who he has dedicated so much time on show over, and I had a ball watching it. Who knew that someone that smart could be so funny? Just sit back for an intellectual chat that is fun to watch. And make sure to watch the opening segment, with Geoff Peterson! Those three should get a sitcom together. I know I would watch because it wouldn’t suck or would it???
Finally I love that Dyson recorded a something for Geoff Peterson to say, so that we will be able to hear his infamous phrase even when he is not on the show!


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