Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Shocking the dancer won Dancing with the Stars
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[ # ] Shocking the dancer won Dancing with the Stars
May 26th, 2010 under Dancing with the Stars

Pussycat Dolls DANCER and singer Nicole Scherzinger won Dancing with the Stars, anyone else not surprised by the news? Ice dance skater Evan Lysacek came in second and I am not surprised by that either.
This season started off with so much potential because they actually had so many fun names putting on their boogie shoes, but as the season went on the people with dancing experience and who already had their bodies trained for the grueling dancing workouts were the ones that placed 1 and 2 on the show. Do I think it is fair they made it to the top 2? Hell no. Maybe next season DWTS will be more fair when it comes to who competes because for anyone to say that Nicole S didn’t have an unfair advantage is lying. She is a dancer and she is used to being choreographed and dancing for hours between rehearsals and her nightly show. What other Star could say that? Oh yeah the Olympic figure skater.
I think the real winner should be someone who entered the show with little to no dance experience beforeahnd and leaves a dancer. But hey that is me!


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[ # 406199 ] Comment from Judy [May 26, 2010, 9:36 am]

I so totally agree. I mean gee they made it obvious around the second show that Nicole was going to win. She had no place on this show. I was extremely disappointed with DWTS this season and the way the judges laid it on every week about how utterly brilliant a professional dancer like Nicole was.

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