Seriously? OMG! WTF? » May the force be with these poor twins!
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[ # ] May the force be with these poor twins!
May 7th, 2010 under Star Wars

via Alyssa Milano’s Twitter
Jeff and Jennifer have some big news, so they came up with an inventive way of letting the galaxy know about it. They used a climatic scene of Star Wars and turned it in to a sex ed video telling their friends, family and strangers that they are expecting twins. Part of me feels for those two poor little babies that will be born to them, but then the other part of me thinks that was bloody brilliant and you know they are going to have a lot of fun growing up with Jeff and Jennifer as their parents. On a sad note the video concludes with them saying that they are not going to name their future twins Luke and Leia. That is such a shame because how appropriate would it be for them to be named that.
Side note: To my two friends who should be working on baby #2 in a year, I want to see you top that birth announcement when you successfully breed again! I know you can do it!


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