Seriously? OMG! WTF? » American Dad is returning to Fox!
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[ # ] American Dad is returning to Fox!
March 21st, 2025 under Seth MacFarlane

In 2005, Seth MacFarlane had his second show on Fox, American Dad. It stayed there for 11 seasons before moving to TBS and has been there ever since.

TBS has decided to get out of the scripted show business and has decided they do not want any more new episodes.

So does that mean the end of the series, which did well on the cable network? Fox is looking to save the animated sitcom and air the 20th season and more on their network, according to Deadline.

This is the second time that Fox has cancelled a MacFarlane series and brought it back. The first one being Family Guy. Hopefully, they learned their lesson not do that again.

This is a smart move on Fox’s part. Their new shows, The Great North, Krapopolis, Grimsburg, and Universal Basic Guys, have yet to find an audience because, in my opinion, they suck.

If Fox wants to bring back one of their other animated shows, I vote for The Critic!


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