Seriously? OMG! WTF? » General Hospital tackles teenage dating abuse
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[ # ] General Hospital tackles teenage dating abuse
March 16th, 2010 under TV Soaps

ABC’s General Hospital is tackling a difficult subject that unfortunately way too many teens deal with, teenage dating abuse. About one in three teens experience dating violence and starting this week Kristina Davis is hospitalized after being beaten by her boyfriend on General Hospital. Over the next few weeks, Kristina and her parents Sonny and Alexis will be helping her through the ordeal and we the viewers will be informed what to do if G-d forbid it happens to you or someone you love.
General Hospital is a must watch for anyone who knows a teens, so watch it daily on ABC and SoapNet. If you think you know a teenager who might be in a violent relationship, contact the National Teen Dating Abuse Hotline.
Also coming up on Seriously? OMG! WTF? I will be posting interviews with the cast of General Hospital (Maurice Benard, Nancy Lee Grahn and Lexi Ainsworth) that were involved with this well done, must watch storyline.


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