Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Is Jon Stewart going to leave The Daily Show after the election?
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[ # ] Is Jon Stewart going to leave The Daily Show after the election?
September 16th, 2024 under Jon Stewart

Back in January, Comedy Central announced that Jon Stewart was coming out of retirement to host The Daily Show on Mondays through the election.

His return has been so lauded that the Emmys nominated the news show for Best Talk Show, and it won yesterday.

Stewart accepted the award. Then, he went backstage to talk to the press. Of course, they wanted to know if he is going to stay on with the show or go back into retirement.

He told Variety, “Well, my feeling is this election will never end. So why would I? How could I leave? I won’t be allowed to leave until the election until we’re all ground to some sort of calcified nubs. … We’re looking forward to it being awful.”

He might be looking forward to it being awful. But I am not. I want to go back to how life was before Trump when you could have political conversations and still be able to talk to the person you disagreed with. More importantly, I want the racists to go back into hiding. I miss those days when people didn’t brag about what awful people they are.


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