Seriously? OMG! WTF? » The clock stops for 24?
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[ # ] The clock stops for 24?
March 9th, 2010 under Fox

Looks like after 8 hellish days aka 8 seasons, the clock for 24 will stop in May. According to Variety Fox will make a decision within the next day whether or not to let Jack Bauer save another day, but it is looking like they won’t. The trade added that the studio will shop around the show, but because of the show’s increasing costs and declining viewership, it doesn’t look like there will be any buyers. There is still talk of a movie, but since we are still waiting for Veronica Mars and Arrested Development to hit the big screen I won’t hold my breath.
If Fox decided to stop 24’s clock, will you be upset or be like it had a good run? they don’t even watch. So I think that Fox is making the right choice, but I hope in its place they brinf back Brothers and ‘Til Death!
I remember when the show first started out, I had friends that were so addicted to the show but now


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[ # 388770 ] Comment from Apres Ski [March 10, 2010, 9:59 am]

The problem is that the Networks take these shows, like 24 & Ugly Betty, etc., and they think we’ll stick around & follow them when they get back in a year or two because they’re running the schedule. However, as they’re finding out the hard way, people do not stick around. They go on to watch other shows or buy the CDs and watch those.

But I blame the networks for moving the Favorites around making it hard to find or they decide to break the up & make us wait so the whole thing can be played.

Yes, 24 is expen$$$$$ive to produce but still, it’s an excellent show. No one can call me when it’s on! LOL!! I feel the quality out weighs the production but the networks & Suits see it as too costly to continue.

The Fan base was there but with the long wait, it was too much for those with ADD/ADHD!!

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