Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Did this cat see JD Vance fuck a couch?
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[ # ] Did this cat see JD Vance fuck a couch?
August 28th, 2024 under Unadmirable People

JD Vance posted a video of a cat wearing a scarf that read, “Cats for Vance 2024,” and asked, “I wonder if this cat knows…”

Looking at the kitty’s shocked face, I think we can all agree he knows. He knows that the soon-to-be-ousted-vice presidential candidate fucked his area on the couch, and now he needs a new place to lay his head because Vance defiled his resting spot.

I am beginning to think that the Republicans hate Vance more than we do because they keep giving him the worst advice. But what do I know? I am just a childless cat lady who never fucked a couch.


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