Seriously? OMG! WTF? » My cat says we should all see Catnado because it looks purrfect
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[ # ] My cat says we should all see Catnado because it looks purrfect
August 12th, 2024 under Movies

Anyone who has a cat will tell you that we know that they are secretly plotting to kill us. I just looked over at my master, and I can see it in her eyes. (Send help!)

As a Horror movie fan, I have always wondered why there are not more films made about killer cats.

However, that is all going to change on October 22nd with Catnado from Wild Eye Releasing.

The world faces a horrific onslaught of tornadoes, each unleashing hordes of enraged and deadly cats upon humanity! As chaos reigns, a disparate group of individuals have one mission: to stop this feline fury. But against such odds, and with only one life to spare per person, their battle becomes a cat-astrophic struggle for survival. And when the fur flies it will be a meow-ssacre!

My cat gives it two claws up! She says it deserves to win all the Oscars because it is going to be meowvelous.

So if you don’t hear from me on October 23rd, now you will know why…


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