Seriously? OMG! WTF? » The Evil Queen is the fairest one in Snow White
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[ # ] The Evil Queen is the fairest one in Snow White
August 11th, 2024 under Gal Gadot

Disney released the first trailer for Snow White, and it looks like now we know why it has been delayed. It looks awful.

Plus, Gal Gadot is more beautiful as the Evil Queen than Rachel Zegler as Snow White. And that is not very Disney.

Are you going to hi-ho, hi-ho it to the theaters on March 12th?


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[ # 1269872 ] Comment from Rad [August 12, 2024, 4:32 am]

LOVE Gal Gadot, but it’s a hard pass on the Disney money grab.

ABC News concluded several of their recent broadcasts with a segment (read: INFOMERCIAL) for “D23 – The NEW Disney experience!”. Snow White was a tie in to new theme park attractions, along with other revamped product lines.

I was raised on the OLD Disney television shows and I love my memories of Walt Disney World. Went there the first year the park opened (I was 14). Visited there many times over the years, but the overt, sensationalized commercialism just killed it for me. Not to mention the exuberant cost just to get into the place. For my 50th birthday, I wanted to go there. Husband and I went. Stayed on property. All I wanted was a classic 1950’s Mickey stuffed animal. I had my choice of a “Steamboat Willy” gray tone or “Darth Mickey”… everywhere. I finally just went with the Steamboat Willy version. Anyhow.

Disney is just a fond memory.

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