Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Richard Simmons’ family shares what would have been his final post
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[ # ] Richard Simmons’ family shares what would have been his final post
July 21st, 2024 under Richard Simmons

Richard Simmons/Facebook

Last Saturday, Richard Simmons sadly passed away suddenly.

Before he died, he had a planned social media post ready to go with might have been a recent photo of him. However, he died before he could post it.

So this weekend, his staff posted his final words to us.

From Richard’s staff:

Hello everyone.

Richard worked very hard on his posts for you. He had many ideas and would work ahead… going back to each one making changes until he had it just like he wanted before posting.

As you know, on the weekends, he would just share a photo with a caption. He always chose his photos and wrote his captions for the upcoming weekend by Friday.

So we have the post Richard planned to share with you last Sunday. We thought you’d want to see it.

Here is the post Richard had planned for you for Sunday July 14, 2024:

“Let me fly you to the moon so we can gaze among the stars.


It is almost as if he knew.


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