(photo from WireImage)
The toxicology report from the LA Coroner’s Office is in for Brittany Murphy and she did not have illegal drugs in her system. According to
TMZ, the report says, “Multiple medications were present in the blood, with elevated levels of hydrocodone, acetaminophen, and chlorpheniramine. L-methamphetamine was also present.” The report goes on, “It should be noted that the pattern of use of these medications suggest treatment of symptoms of a cold or other respiratory infection. Acetaminophen and hydrocodone are components of Vicodin. Chlorpheniramine is the active ingredient in some over-the-counter medications. L-methamphetamine is a component of some inhalers.” The report goes on to say, “The possible adverse physiological effects of elevated levels of these medications cannot be discounted, especially in her weakened state. Therefore the manner of death is Accident.”
It is so scary that you think that over-the-counter drugs can’t kill you, but what we have learned from her death is that they can. So sad and scary.
When Brittany Murphy died, I was on the phone with my friend and she was convinced it was illegal drugs that killed her and I said it could have been the flu. Now we know it was the pneumonia and self-medicating with over-the-counter and prescription drugs that took away this talented actress way too soon. I really hope that now that we know what was the cause of her death, that her reputation has cleared up because there were a lot of people who thought like my friend.