Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Johnny Pacar talks about Make It or Break It
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[ # ] Johnny Pacar talks about Make It or Break It
February 8th, 2010 under Freeform

On Friday I went over to The Rock (which is really a sound stage) and I interviewed the cast of Make It or Break It that airs on ABC Family on Mondays at 9p. The first actor from the show I am going to feature is Johnny Pacar who plays the absolutely endearing and perfect boyfriend Damon Young. Damon has been dating Emily shortly after his friend/bandmate Razor left town and he said he would look out for her. Well Razor returned and Damon left for LA to advance his music career, but when things didn’t pan out he returned home only to get arrested and lose Emily. Tonight his band plays the prom and he tries to win Emily back and he told me that Damon is not going to let her get away without a fight.
Now when it comes to Razor, he is played by Nico Tortorella, who left the MIoBI to star on The Beautiful Life. So I had to ask Johnny was he nervous when the The CW show got cancelled and Nico would be returning? He told me that Nico and him are friends and he liked what the show had written for them. And so far what we have seen in the first few episodes of the season, it has been really good.
One of the things that makes Damon so likable and why you want him to wind up with Emily is the way that he romances. So I had to find out how much Johnny is like Damon in that way and you have to watch the interview above to find out. And let me tell you are going to want to hear him say it in his own voice.
Unlike the girls on the show, Johnny is a musician and not a gymnast. So I asked him if he knew that he was going to play music on the show when he tried out for the role and he told me, “I knew he was the guitar player in the band. I went into the audition, I think most of the guys that auditioned I saw there, had their guitars with them ready to go. We didn’t really have time to perform any songs or anything for the audition because they were seeing so many people, pressed for time. I was prepared. It was a requirement that you know what you are doing on guitar.” And as we can see from the show, he knows how to play his guitar.
So what does Johnny prefer acting or music and he told me, “I would definitely say I like them both equally. You know 50/50. It’s great because they’re both such fulfilling outlets…It’s great to be able to be on a show that allows me act, but also play music. Cause we actually take the time to learn the songs. We play with the real guys and they teach us all the chord structures and things like that. It’s fun to be able to work music in like that. I am always writing music, recording music. I like doing both equally.” And he does both equally well.
If you want to hear his music (and believe me you do) you can listen to it at JohnnyPacarMusic on MySpace or buy his Moment of Time EP on Amazon. Now when it comes to his acting you can see him Love Hurts, a movie that earned him a Best Supporting Actor award, when it comes out DVD soon. You can also see him in the upcoming WWII Independent feature Fort McCoy when it comes out later this year. But most importantly you can see him every Monday at 9p in Make It or Break It on ABC Family!


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