Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Get to know an Undercover Boss tonight
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[ # ] Get to know an Undercover Boss tonight
February 7th, 2010 under CBS

After the Super Bowl, CBS is debuting their latest reality show Undercover Boss. The show takes the bosses of large companies and puts them in the smallest jobs at the same company so that the big boss can see how the little man is keeping his company alive. In tonight’s episode the President of Waste Management is sent out to do some of the sh!ttiest jobs as his company like cleaning up porta potties and picking up loose papers. It was amazing to see the president of the company gets his hands dirty, really dirty and realizing how is little man is getting screwed. He actually learned how things needed to be changed and after he was done learning his lesson he actually makes changes. It wasn’t only doing the dirty work that made him change his mind, but his employees’ attitudes. Those relationships that he built on the job are something you have to see. So after the Super Bowl is over make sure to stay on CBS for a touchdown of a show! Plus who doesn’t want to see a boss clean up sh!t?


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[ # 383365 ] Comment from Apres Ski [February 7, 2010, 4:48 pm]

More bosses should do this. They’ll get to see the stupid rules they’ve created, the hardships they’ve caused in personal lives and just how ugly they really, really are!!

I can’t wait to see this one! Trust me, no one will turn this off or turn to another channel tonight. People are just waiting to see what ideas they can add to their arsenal besides putting dirt from the plants in with the fresh coffee grounds or human matter in their food. This is gonna be goooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooood!!!


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