Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Should we just consider this season of American Idol a wash?
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[ # ] Should we just consider this season of American Idol a wash?
January 20th, 2010 under American Idol 9+

So far the big news about this season of American Idol is that Paula Abdul is out and Ellen DeGeneres is in and also that is Simon Cowell’s last season on the show. That was until last week when 62 year old General Larry Platt auditioned and sang his own song called Pants on the Ground. Since American Idol ended the show with that song, it has been performed by Neil Young on Late Night with Jimmy Fallon, Brett Favre and now Jimmy Fallon with AI judge Randy Jackson. The last time I remember a sensation coming from the audition phase of Idol, it was William Hung and he was the biggest thing about that season. Even bigger than Fantasia’s…well you can fill in the blank there. So I wonder if we should just consider this season a wash because this biggest thing that could come from it already has with Pants on the Ground? Granted I might be saying that because my DVR didn’t record yesterday’s audition episode and I don’t even care. I have watched every episode since season 1 and now I missed one and I am not even upset about it. Is anyone else just not feeling this season?


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