Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Can Rocky Horror’s Barry Bostwick do the Time Warp?
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[ # ] Can Rocky Horror’s Barry Bostwick do the Time Warp?
October 25th, 2023 under Movies

Rocky Horror Picture Show came out 48 years ago, and since then, millions of people have done and continue to do the Time Warp. Is Barry Botswick one of the people who still does it?

Yahoo Entertainment’s Ethan Alter wanted to know, so he asked the legendary actor. “I never did the Time Warp. I never did it in the movie,” he said. “If somebody says to me, ‘Well do the Time Warp. Show me how.’ I go, ‘I don’t know how. I can do the Madison.'”

Damn it, Janet. I still love you, Barry Bostwick.

Alter also wanted to know if Bostwick hates it when the audience hurls insults at Brad Majors during screenings of the movie. Bostwick told him, “I love it. I’ve embraced the names that they call me. So much so that I think now I can run for governor of Florida,”

Well, he has been the mayor of New York City on Spin City, so it is not that much of a jump to the left. Although, in Florida it would be a huge jump to the left.


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