Seriously? OMG! WTF? » You don’t want to be a fly on the wall at The Price is Right
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[ # ] You don’t want to be a fly on the wall at The Price is Right
October 24th, 2023 under The Price is Right

The Price is Right has moved to a new studio, and the game show is a buzz about its fly problem. Although, not for much longer if Manuela Arbeláez has her way. That is because when the model sees a flying bug, she kills it.

For example, she saw one buzzing around to check out the great prices, so she took off her stiletto and smashed it with the foot of her shoe. Arbeláez didn’t think she got it until she saw it lifeless on the floor.

And she knows what a dead fly looks like because that is the third one she killed. So far,

Therefore, if George Gray tells you to come on down, don’t be dressed like a fly, or Manuela will make sure you don’t make it to the Final Showcase.


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