Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Eastwick will be forgotten by ABC, but Christian Slater won’t be
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[ # ] Eastwick will be forgotten by ABC, but Christian Slater won’t be
November 9th, 2009 under ABC

ABC has decided not to order any more episodes of Eastwick starring Lindsey Price and Rebecca Romijn, but they have decided to pick up 5 more episodes of theforgotten with Christian Slater according to James Hibberd. To be honest I am surprised by their decision because both shows were doing equally bad as in both have been beaten by The Jay Leno Show more than once, so I thought that both would get the ax after their 13 episode order. Guess I was wrong and guess that means that ABC doesn’t have much to offer up during the mid-season except for Lost. In fact their mid-season got even slimmer because James Hibberd added that Let’s Dance is making like Jewel and not dancing. The show that was suppose to be hosted by Kathy Griffin was pulled two weeks before it was suppose to air because they had problems casting the show. I wonder what that means for the next season of Dancing with the Stars, does that mean that ABC has run out of celebrities who want to dance? Maybe Rebecca Romijn can do it, she has a lot of time on her hands now that show was cancelled and her husband, Jerry O’Connell is a stay-at-home dad.


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[ # 373692 ] Comment from Meghan [November 11, 2009, 8:13 pm]

Please don’t cancel the forgotten!!!! :[ I already lost 1 other show called Trauma but don’t cancel The Forgotten!!! I didn’t care much about eastwick it was strange … but The Forgotten and Castle are the best shows ever :}

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