Seriously? OMG! WTF? » I blame Kurt Russell for the Yankees loss
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[ # ] I blame Kurt Russell for the Yankees loss
October 29th, 2009 under Kate Hudson, Kurt Russell

Splash News Online
Look I am from The Bronx, and I need someone to blame for The Yankees freaking sh!tty loss last night and I am choosing to blame Kurt Russell. I personally feel it was just too much pressure for A-Rod to have his girlfriend’s father in the stands like that watching him play in the World Series and that is why he went 0-8 with 5 strike outs. I mean normally he is much better player than that, so why did he play like such sh!t?
So Kate Hudson I beg you not to bring your parents to any more Yankees games until after the World Series is over and they have won the pennant.
Don’t get me wrong I like Kurt Rusell, I just like winning a whole lot more!!!!


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