Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Thomas Calabro talks about The CW’s Melrose Place!
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[ # ] Thomas Calabro talks about The CW’s Melrose Place!
September 7th, 2009 under Beverly Hills 90210 / Melrose Place

Melrose Place is going to premiere on The CW tomorrow at 9p and one of the original cast members, Thomas Calabro who is back for the new one, dished to me about it. He shared with me what it was like to have his first meeting with the new show runners about high stakes show and getting back on the new but old set. Unlike the Fox version he has son on this one and that is not the only change we are going to see for Dr Mancini. He is definitely not the same Michael we are used to seeing and that is a very good thing! So when I asked what we can expect from the upcoming season of the show, he told me “It’s going to be great! By all indications, as far as my experience 32 years in the business, this is going to be a big fat great show.” And after watching the first two episodes of the most talked about new show of the season, I can tell you he is spot on.
So check out the rest of the interview above to see what else we will see from the new Melrose Place and don’t forget to watch it tomorrow on The CW at 9p. Believe you don’t want to miss a second of it because so much is going to happen and you will want to watch it all go down!


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