Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Sleep.Walk.Kill is a new take on dream killing
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[ # ] Sleep.Walk.Kill is a new take on dream killing
October 10th, 2022 under Movies

We have seen horror movies where if you get killed in your nightmares, then you die in real life. However, Sleep.Walk.Kill is changing that up.

People all over the East Coast are killing others while they are sleeping. As in, if you fall asleep, then you become a killer. So you have to stay awake to not only stay alive but also to not kill your loved ones.

Edgar, his ex-wife, and their neighbors have gathered together in the basement, hoping they can protect each other from whatever is making sleepers kill. Can they do it? We will find out on November 4th.

This is another terrorific horror movie being distributed by Terror Films. You can watch their other terrifying films on their YouTube Channel for free.


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