Seriously? OMG! WTF? » 90210’s latest cliché storyline
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[ # ] 90210’s latest cliché storyline
July 2nd, 2009 under Beverly Hills 90210 / Melrose Place

Pacific Coast News
The CW’s 90210 is starting to film their second season and looks like from these pictures they are going with another high school show cliché storyline. Last season they made Adriana a drug addict who ODs and then is forced to go to rehab only to find out she is pregnant. Then the new head of the show made Silver suffer from Manic Depression. Now it looks like they are going to make Annie Wilson a drunk or maybe she will lose her virginity after she drinks too much. What is next someone is going to come out? Someone is going to have an eating disorder? Someone joins a gang? Someone starts to smoke cigarettes? Someone commits suicide? I better stop before the new head of the show gets an idea to add one of those hypotheticals to the show.


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