Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Sam’s father makes her the butt of all jokes on Good Sam tonight
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[ # ] Sam’s father makes her the butt of all jokes on Good Sam tonight
January 19th, 2022 under CBS, Jane the Virgin, Sophia Bush

CBS’s new medical drama Good Sam is about a daughter and her dad fighting for the same position, the Cheif of Surgery. You see, Sam’s (Sophia Bush) father Griff (Jason Isaacs) held the position until he was shot and spent six months in a coma. During his absence, the hospital offered his job to Sam. Now that he is awake, he will do anything to get that position back, including screwing over his daughter.

Last week, Griff went to the board and convinced them to give him his job back. Sam then went to them and got them to hold off. Now, they are at war. And tonight at 10p, he proves he is a$$hole. He finds a way to embarrass his daughter and cost the hospital a lot of money. So Sam has to find a way to undo what he did, but she might not be able to do it.

If that is enough, she has a patient that has come in with chest pains after sex. Sam notices she had a heart attack. Actually, she has had several and didn’t even know it. Therefore, Sam has to figure out what has been causing them before one of them kills her, and the patient has not been completely honest about her history.

Sam will get the patient’s real history from her doctor. That doctor has had a history with Griff, and she offers Sam an offer she can’t refuse. But Sam refuses it. How long can Sam say no to her offer?

There is even more trouble for Sam’s department. One of her doctors lost a patient on the table. Now, they are having problems coping with it. Will they be able to find out why a simple procedure led to their patient dying?

Oh, and did I mention that is episode is directed by Jane the Virgin’s Gina Rodriguez? She is as good in front of the camera as she is from behind it.

I have to admit that I wasn’t wowed by the pilot of Good Sam. But now that I have watched the first three episodes, I am in love with the show. The pilot was just setting things up for the great war between a father and his daughter, all while mixing the heart that Sam has when she sees her patients. Sam and Bush are the same when it comes to caring for people. It is as though this character was made for Bush, and that is why she was perfectly cast in the role.


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