Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Elvis Costello and Diana Krall have twin boys
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[ # ] Elvis Costello and Diana Krall have twin boys
December 8th, 2006 under Babies

Elvis Costello and wife Diana Krall are the parents of twin boys. The new arrivals — named Dexter Henry Lorcan and Frank Harlan James — were born on Wednesday, according to a statement from the couple. "We are ecstatic!" the statement continued, going on to add that "mother and sons are doing splendidly." The births came on the couple’s third wedding anniversary. The statement provided no other details on the twins. Costello, 52, is a Rock and Roll Hall of Famer known for songs like "Veronica," "Pump It Up" and "Alison." He most recently collaborated with Allen Toussaint on the album "The River in Reverse." The 42-year-old Krall, a jazz singer, released her latest album, "From This Moment On," in September. The couple live in New York. This is Costello’s third marriage, and Krall’s first.


Is it just me or did she seem to be pregnant forever?


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