Seriously? OMG! WTF? » It’s bull that Ty Murray didn’t make it to the finals
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[ # ] It’s bull that Ty Murray didn’t make it to the finals
May 13th, 2009 under Dancing with the Stars

So the Judges of Dancing with the Stars got their wishes and the three they have been shoving down our throats from day 1 are going to the finals. Their win is our loss because the 3 most boring couples are the ones we have to sit through 3 hours of filler of next week. You have Gilles Marini, who is known for his body because there is really nothing more than that, Melissa Rycroft, who was dumped on national television and Shawn Johnson the robotic teenage Olympian. Who ever wins Dancing with the Stars can enjoy their mirror ball trophy and the press they do right afterwards because beyond I don’t see much for any of their careers. I really hope that next season the Judges realize this is television show and a dancing competition but a television show first. It is good that they can dance, but they really need the personalities to keeps us watching. And it is really sad when I think Ty Murray had the most personality out of the final four and he really didn’t have one. One more week!


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