Seriously? OMG! WTF? » BTWF roles: Zachary Quinto on Off-Centre
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[ # ] BTWF roles: Zachary Quinto on Off-Centre
May 7th, 2009 under Before They Were Famous, Star Trek

Before Zachary Quinto was Sylar on Heroes and Spock in Star Trek, he was a bi-sexual toting around a hamster on Off-Centre. How Spockish did he look when he was 25 as a guest star on the hilarious sitcom back in 2002! And a little bonus how freaking awesome was it to see (at 2:30 in) the future Spock and the future Sulu aka John Cho working together years before J.J. Abrams would even dream of making a Star Trek with them! BTW don’t forget Star Trek comes out today!!!


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