Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Why wearing masks gives Ice-T flashbacks
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[ # ] Why wearing masks gives Ice-T flashbacks
May 6th, 2021 under Ice-T/ Coco

Before Ice-T was playing a cop on Law & Order: SVU, he was trying not to get caught by them. Back then, he was robbing banks and wore masks inside of them to do so. Then in 2020, he had to do it again. Not rob banks, but wear a mask in one.

“This COVID thing, the first time I walked into my bank, and I had that mask on. I had a flashback. I was like, yo, yo, what is going on,” he told EW Live’s, Dalton Ross. “It was really a trip.”

That had to be so weird for him. I know I feel weird wearing a mask in a bank. I always tell the teller, I am not here to rob you, but I would be more than willing to take whatever extra money you want to give me for free.


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