Seriously? OMG! WTF? » John Mayer wrote a song for the current state of our pandemic
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[ # ] John Mayer wrote a song for the current state of our pandemic
March 24th, 2021 under John Mayer

Due to the pandemic, musicians haven’t been able to go on tour. To make up for that fact, they find themselves singing in the shower.

John Mayer took it a step further and wrote a song while he was in there. A tune that is very current. He wants you to know it is still OK to do nothing if you want.

Since we are still not out of the woods with COVID-19, I totally agree with him. Send this song to all of your friends who are going out without masks and partying like it is 2019. Remind them it is OK to be by yourself a little longer. Sometimes it is more fun to Netflix and Chill by yourself. In fact, most of the time, it is! Thanks to advancements in the technology of sex toys.

Talking about sex, doesn’t Mayer look really sexy here? Maybe I do need to get out of the house and do something or someone? But that defeats the purpose of his single and my post. What to do?


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