We have heard of cow milk, goat milk, milk made from nuts, soy milk, oat milk, and now there is horse milk. That’s right, horse milk.
Today on This Morning, they spoke to a man who milks his mares to make the white gold. Sorry, the white gold comes from a champion horse.
Anyways, they sent Josie Gibson to his barn, and she got to put the thingy on the horse’s thingies. Since I grew up and lived in cities all my life, I don’t know what any of that is called.
Surprisingly the mare didn’t mind. The same can’t be said about the anchors, Holly Willoughby
and Phillip Schofield. His face as Gibson was doing it was awesome.
However, not as awesome as his reaction to her drinking it. What does it taste like? She says it is like sweeter coconut milk.
Knowing that, are you willing you to try it? I am waiting to hear from my neighbor, who works with horses, to hear what she thinks before I would never let that stuff get anywhere near me until then.
If she doesn’t get back to me, then I will have to wait to hear what Holly and Phillip think of it. They are going to get samples today. I so hope they record his reaction because I am sure it will be udderly priceless.