Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Christmas will be on the Hallmark Channel all year long
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[ # ] Christmas will be on the Hallmark Channel all year long
January 8th, 2021 under Hallmark

Even though Christmas was just two weeks ago, do you still need your fix? Guess what? Hallmark Channel is going to give it to you all year long. Every Friday night at 8p, they are going to air a holiday movie.

Whoever came up with this idea needs a big fat raise. This is brilliant. The smartest thing they ever did.

Let’s be honest; we all need a little Christmas in our lives throughout the year at different times. Now, we are going to get it every Friday night for free. It is the gift that keeps on giving 52 weeks a year!

As the song says, “We need a little Christmas,” and now we are getting it!

BTW How long do you think it will take them to have a channel that only plays holiday movies? I say it will happen by 2022.


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