Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Where to get the CD from the real choir from The Christmas Choir
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[ # ] Where to get the CD from the real choir from The Christmas Choir
January 8th, 2009 under Hallmark

Last month Hallmark aired one of the best and most inspirational telemovies in a really long time. The Christmas Choir is based on the real life story of how the Montreal Homeless Choir was formed. Many people saw this movie and just fell in love with the story, and also the real life choir. Several people including myself searched for info on this choir, just so we could buy their CD, but to no avail. All I could find (thanks to my readers) was that the choir had split because the men had found jobs and got their lives back! (How amazing is that!) That was until Jeanne-Marie did the right search and spoke to the man that believed so much in these homeless men that he founded a choir with them and together they toured the world. Pierre told her the choir has 6 CDs (2 Christmas, 2 regular in french, 1 english, 1 musical healing) and that are available for just $10 each. In fact since the movie aired on December 6th, 530 CDs were shipped to America and those were just the few people who could actually find the Foundation Brouillon d’Idees website. At that site you can also learn more about the Montreal Homeless Choir!!!
If you missed The Christmas Choir when it originally aired Hallmark, please make sure to watch it the next time it airs. It will really inspire you and touch your heart!
xoxo Jeanne-Marie!


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[ # 1264822 ] Comment from Gwyn Crozier-Smith [December 23, 2021, 9:04 pm]

I have just watch the movie The Christmas Choir, and I would like to purchase the Christmas Cds, how do I order them or can I? Please let me know.

Thank You

[ # 1264872 ] Comment from Patti [December 27, 2021, 1:28 pm]

I have been trying to locate how to buy the Christmas cd’s recorded by the original choir on which the Hallmark movie is based. Please tell me where to look or how to go about buying these two cd’s. I love the movie and the entire turnaround success of its work. Thank you.

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