Larry Wilmore’s favorite show is 19 Kids and Counting! |
May 27th, 2015 under Comedy Central. [ Comments: none ]
Larry Wilmore had the week off and Jon Stewart asked him at the end of The Daily Show what he did with his time off. The Nightly Show host told him that he unplugged from the world and caught up on his favorite show, 19 Kids and Counting. After he said that Stewart tried to break the news to him, but Wilmore said, “It was just so nice to watch a show about a family with togetherness and good old fashioned values.” Then he added, “You know, I hope nothing happens that makes me recontextualize their closeness and isolation to something dangerous.”
Stewart once again tried to update him about the Duggars’ situation over the last week, but he just didn’t have the heart to do it. Jon could tell the TLC show touched Larry in a special place, and he didn’t want to do an alleged Josh Duggar and touch him there when he was unaware of what happening to him. Especially, since he is so young at this hosting job and Stewart’s the oldest one in the Comedy Central family. You have to respect him for refraining from his urges to do something so horrible like that and take away from Wilmore’s innocence. Right?
Lady Gaga looks like a vintage pinup model! |
May 27th, 2015 under Lady Gaga. [ Comments: none ]

Back when times were more innocent and people were starting to explore their sexuality, women found a way to pose as proactively as they could for calendars, playing cards and the likes.
Fast forward to the present, Lady Gaga posted a photo of herself looking just like one of them during a performance in Vancouver yesterday. I don’t know why, but I think she looks red hot with this styling. I hope this is her persona for this project because it works for her. Don’t you wanna marry the night with her?
Steven Tyler can play any instrument! |
May 27th, 2015 under Adult Swim. [ Comments: none ]
We know that Steven Tyler can sing like nobody’s business, but that is not the only thing he can do musically. His daughter, Liv Tyler, showed him an App where he can make music with his mouth and he did just that. I don’t know how he did it, but maybe he was confusing the phone for another instrument. You know, like the one that is between a woman’s legs. I can totally see him making women’s privates start humming Frankie Valli’s Can’t Take My Eyes Off of You with his mouth just by the way he is working the iPhone. Can’t you?
Guess who is stuffing his shorts with a banana? |
May 27th, 2015 under Guess who?. [ Comments: none ]

Want to see who that banana belongs to, then click here!
When demonstrations go wrong |
May 27th, 2015 under Awesome Videos. [ Comments: none ]
When we heard that there was a self-parking car, we all wanted one. Volvo came up with one and they tested it out for some journalists in Dominican Republic. At first it went off smoothly, and then the stuff that Stephen King writes about happened. The car rammed forward and gunned down two of the journalists that were covering the story.
What happened? Seems you have to pay extra to for the car to recognize pedestrians. Don’t you think that would come standard? Maybe now it will be.
So if you get the The Volvo XC60 make sure to get the Pedestrian detection functionality feature too. Unless you want to explain why your car is going after strangers?
When it comes to the journalists that were knocked down by the car, Remolocha, says they were bruised but OK.
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