Hot Links! |
May 15th, 2014 under Hot Links!. [ Comments: none ]
Are you prepared to see that photo unblurred? – Dlisted
Which actress needs to wax her facial hair? – GCeleb
Which actress took Tom Cruise to a sex club? – Pajiba
Beyonce, Jay Z and Solange finally break their silence – Celebitchy
Wanna cry, how much is Kim Kardashian getting for her wedding? – THS
The shocking way that Adam Sandler keeps looking so young! |
May 15th, 2014 under Adam Sandler, David Letterman. [ Comments: none ]
Adam Sandler was on The Late Show tonight and David Letterman wanted to know how he keeps his youthful appearance. Little Nicky revealed he would never get plastic surgery, so then how does he do it? When Zohan is filming a closeup, he has an assistant stand behind him and pulls his facial skin to the back of his head. It’s like an instant face lift without any knives.
Not a bad way for him to keep looking like he did when he started on Saturday Night Live back in 1990. While it is not bad for him, it totally sucks for his assistant. I’d hate that job!
BTWF roles: Simon Helberg on Sabrina the Teenage Witch |
May 15th, 2014 under Archie Comics, Before They Were Famous. [ Comments: none ]
(starts at 4:26 in)
Before Simon Helberg dreamed of time traveling on The Big Bang Theory, he was the spokesperson for a site that actually did it on Sabrina the Teenage Witch. He looks the same now as he did when he was 21 in that 2002 episode.
Dave Krumholtz is a convincing old Jewish Grandmother! |
May 15th, 2014 under Awesome Videos. [ Comments: none ]
Not since Meryl Streep played an old Jewish Rabbi in the movie Angels of American, has anyone come close to convincingly playing an older Jewish person of the opposite sex. That is until now because Dave Krumholtz is pretty perfect as Grandma Gigi from the new website that debuts on May 20th. What’s it all about, who knows? Who cares? But it looks too inviting not to find out. Oy!
Seriously, if you didn’t know that was the guy who stabbed Kellie Martin on ER, wouldn’t you think that is Aunt Bertha from Boca Raton via Brooklyn?
His parents must be Kvelling, that there son is now playing an old woman after starring on a show called Playboy. What more could any Jewish parent want from their kid? Well, besides grandkids which he gave them one recently.
Guess whose prom photo that is? |
May 15th, 2014 under Guess who?. [ Comments: none ]

Want to see who is brave enough to ask 2 women to his prom, then click here!
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