Seriously? OMG! WTF? » 2014 » March
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Guess who lost the ponytail?
March 24th, 2014 under Guess who?. [ Comments: none ]

Want to see whose new look will give you glee, then click here!


BTWF roles: Josh Charles in Dead Poets Society
March 24th, 2014 under Before They Were Famous. [ Comments: none ]

Before Josh Charles was a lawyer on The Good Wife, he was a high school student in Dead Poets Society. How cute was the 17 year old in that 1989 movie?


Josh Charles talks about his shocking Good Wife exit!
March 24th, 2014 under David Letterman. [ Comments: none ]

Twitter blew up yesterday about 45 minutes after The Good Wife started on CBS. That’s because one of the fan favorites on the show, Will Gardner, was shot, and as we all know, killed.
Shortly after Gardner’s death, The Late Show Tweeted that Josh Charles (the man who played him) would be a guest on a show tonight at 11:35p. As soon as Charles sat down, David Letterman asked, “What the hell happened?” At first he joked and said that if that is what you have to do to be on Letterman, then was what he did. Then he got serious and said, “It’s been one of the greatest gigs for me in my entire career, but at the end of last year, my contract was up and I was just ready to kind of move on…”
So what is next for him? When the CBS late night asked him that, he said “Oh, I have no plan.”
Who knows maybe he can do what Denny Duquette did on Grey’s Anatomy and come back as a ghost? Or do a Bobby Ewing and have take a shower for over a season on Dallas? Or do like what they did to Locke on Lost whatever that was? Or here’s my best idea, let them really compete with The Walking Dead and have him come back as a Zombie and eat Peter Florrick! How do you think they can bring him back?


The Numbers Game explains things and The Safecrackers open things!
March 24th, 2014 under National Geographic, TNT/TBS/TCM. [ Comments: none ]

The Numbers Game debuts on Nat Geo TV tonight at 9:30p and you don’t want to miss the show that will blow you away.
Tonight’s episode is what makes a hero? Did you know that someone who volunteers an hour a week is more likely to help someone in need than someone who doesn’t? If a person fell at a restaurant which patron would help them first, someone dining solo or in a group? Then next week they look in to why we can so easily be suckered. It is a little tips that you will get from this episode that will help you not get suckered again.
I like a show that makes learning fun and that is exactly what The Numbers Game does every week on Nat Geo at 9:30p. And if you want science to be fun, then watch None of the Above at 9p.

Then at 10p turn the dial over the TruTV for The Safecrackers. Phil Crawford, one of America’s leading safecrackers, and his best buddy, Blaze, travel the country and open safes and the likes that haven’t been opened in decades. You never know what is inside one until you open it. Will it be gold, money or smoking pipes? You will just have to tune into find out.


Just when you think Patrick Stewart and Ian McKellen couldn’t get any cuter?
March 24th, 2014 under Sir Patrick Stewart/Sir Ian McKellen. [ Comments: none ]

Patrick Stewart and Ian McKellen left Manhattan and traveled all the way to Coney Island this weekend. While they were at the amusement park, the two Sirs rode the famous Wonder Wheel. By the looks of this awwwwdorable photo, it appears that one of them liked the Ferris Wheel more than other one.
BTW I have ridden the Wonder Wheel several times and it is not that scary. But then again I am like Captain Picard and I don’t let those rides get to me. It’s more fun to go on one with someone who is terrified of them. Granted, I am a sadist, so I love to watch people get scared crapless on one these type of rides! Is that wrong?


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