Seriously? OMG! WTF? » 2013 » August
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Did Rihanna’s dog inspire her new hairdo?
August 1st, 2013 under Rihanna. [ Comments: none ]

Rihanna Instagrammed some pictures of her new look and her dog yesterday, and I have to wonder if the poodle inspired her new short curly do. Don’t her curls look like her pooches?
She might have a problem adjusting to her new hair, but personally I love it on her!


Hot Links!
August 1st, 2013 under Hot Links!. [ Comments: none ]

Guess who says she's never seen a porn? – Dlisted
Kate Upton braless – GCeleb
Kristen Stewart loses it – Celebitchy
Who visited a pet psychic? – Popbytes
Lindsay Lohan is free – Amy Grindhouse
Jennifer Aniston is a hypocrite – Bohomoth
Heidi Klum can't hide the wrinkles! – Yeeeah!
This is literally the worst news of the day – Rickey
Which boybander only had sex twice? – Whitney Jefferson

Did Evan Handler just announce that Californication is ending?
August 1st, 2013 under Showtime. [ Comments: none ]

There have been some rumors that season 7 of Californication would be its last on Showtime, but up until this Tweet from Evan Handler no one had confirmed it. Well looks like Charlie Runkle is going to go ahead and do it for everyone. Where is Marcy when you really need her to keep his big white butt in line. A butt we know all too well from the last 6 seasons of the great show.
I am so going to miss this show, not only because we got to see Handler naked all the time, but because they’d do stuff no other show would, could or should ever do.


BTWF roles: David Anders on So Little Time
August 1st, 2013 under Before They Were Famous, Heroes. [ Comments: none ]

Before David Anders was trying to figure out how he was going to get out of his coffin on Heroes, he was trying to get out of high school on So Little Time. How cute was the 20 year old in that 2001 episode?


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