Seriously? OMG! WTF? » 2010 » August
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She wants her McNuggets and she wants them now now now!
August 10th, 2010 under Awesome Videos. [ Comments: none ]

Melodi Dushane wanted Chicken McNuggests at 6:30a on New Year’s Day and when she found out that McDonald’s was only serving their breakfast menu at that time she lost it at the drive-thru. You have to watch the just released security video to see what she does to the drive-thru attendant when she finds out she is not getting her Chicken McNuggets.
According to WTVG the 25 year old was sentenced to 60 days in jail, 3 years probation and ordered to pay over $1,500 in damages. The Toledo station says she apologized to the court and her lawyer claims she spent the night (NYE) drinking and suffers from panic attacks and that is why she had that reaction.
The best part of that video is after the incident when the next car drives up to the drive-thru window that the other worker serves them like nothing happened. Could you imagine what that person in that car was thinking? I think I would’ve reversed back and tried to get the f*ck out of there.
BTW what is it about Chicken McNuggets that makes people react like that? Remember the woman who called 911 3 times because McDonalds wouldn’t refund her money when they ran out of them. Seriously they are not that good. If it were the McRib I could understand, but McNuggets I just don’t get it.


Hot Links!
August 9th, 2010 under Hot Links!. [ Comments: none ]

Who posed for Playboy? – Yeeeah!
Who needs to eat? – Ayyyy!
David Beckham is back! – Popbytes
Who dresses Madonna? – INF Daily
Which football legend is doing Survivor? – ICYDK
Who got a stupid a$$ haircut? – Tabloid Prodigy
Who was doing the butt with Betty White? – Dlisted
Which who cared ended their engagement? – Gabby Babble
Which movie should not be getting pornody? – Agent Bedhead
Which senior citizen is going to be a dad again? – Amy Grindhouse


Jonathon Schaech’s marriage goes boom
August 9th, 2010 under Johnathon Schaech, One Tree Hill. [ Comments: none ]

(photo from WireImage)

A little over a month after One Tree Hill’s Jana Kramer walked down the aisle to Jonathon Schaech on July 4th, they have called it quits. Her rep told OK! Magazine, “Jana and Johnathon have agreed to dissolve their marriage. Jana is humbled by the outpouring of support from her fans, friends and family, and appreciates the respect of her privacy.” With that that means we don’t know why they split so shortly after they got married, but I am sure we will find out the next time one of them has something to promote.
BTW One Tree Hill seems to have a bad track record when it comes to marriages, Sophia Bush and Chad Michael Murray split after 5 months of marriage and Hilarie Burton and Ian Prange’s ended their marriage after 4 years. At least Bethany Joy Galeotti’s seems to be still going strong after 4 years and lets hope it stays that way!


BTWF roles: Jake Pavelka on Walker, Texas Ranger
August 9th, 2010 under Before They Were Famous. [ Comments: none ]

Before Jake Pavelka was racing to find a wife on The Bachelor, he was racing another car on Walker, Texas Ranger. He looks exactly the same now as he did when he was 21 in that 1999 episode.


Eva Longoria cops a feel of Teri Hatcher’s boob!
August 9th, 2010 under Desperate Housewives, Teri Hatcher. [ Comments: 1 ]

Eva Longoria Parker posted this picture on Facebook and explained it by saying, “I tripped this morning and the only thing I held onto was teri’s boob! Thank God they’re real and they’re spectacular! Ha!” So I wonder if after reading that if Eva’s husband Tony Parker has to worry that something my happen between his wife and her Desperate Housewives co-star Teri Hatcher? I doubt it, but at least he has a picture to help him when he is playing thos away games and Eva is here filming her ABC show.
BTW how many boys are happy to that Eva reviewed Teri’s boobs by saying they are real and spectacular?


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